What Does It Cost?
With Building Energy Pros you can choose the complete turn-key business package or select the resources you want a la carte.
OPTION 1 - Complete Turn-Key Business Package
The Turn-Key Solution provides EVERYTHING you need to start and run your business!
One-Time Setup Fee – $795
- Customized website setup and launch
- Business plan customization
- Business coaching and strategy sessions
Monthly Affiliate Fee – $425/month (minimum 12-month agreement)
All the elements in the Complete Turn-Key Business Package:
- Business Startup Support
- Monthly Group Mentoring Webinars
- Content-Ready Website Project Management Portal (up to 6 users)
- Energy Audit Software (up to 4 users)
- Business & Marketing Tools
Start Today! Call 1-800-309-6006
* Training and custom quote services not included.
OPTION 2 - A la Carte Pricing
We recognize that each business is different and has different needs. With a la carte pricing, you can choose only the resources you need. No commitments!
Call to order: 1-800-309-6006
Item | Price |
Website | $245/month + $595 setup |
Project Management Portal (up to 6 users) | $225/month |
Easy Audit Software & Price Calculator (up to 4 users) | $45/month |
Monthly Group Mentoring Webinars | $55/month |
Business & Marketing Tools | $995 (one-time fee) |
Ready-Made Business Plans | $395 (one-time fee; includes software and consultation) |
1-on-1 Coaching / Consulting | Call for Custom Quote |